wealink 确实挂了
从ideasfactorychina看到有人说wealink进不去,貌似wealink挂了。登录网站看看,wealink(若邻) 此刻确实挂了,现在时间是2007年3月29日23:50.
标签: Web2.0
一、Create Table
CREATE TABLE `counts` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`count` int(11) default ‘1′,
`created_at` datetime NOT NULL,
`countable_id` int(11) NOT NULL default ‘0′,
`countable_type` varchar(15) NOT NULL default ‘’,
二、Create plugin
ruby script/generate plugin acts_as_countable
三、Open /vendor/plugins/act_as_countable/lib/act_as_countable.rb and put this code inside:
# ActsAsCountable
module Jesse
module Acts #:nodoc:
module Countable #:nodoc:def self.included(base)
base.extend ClassMethods
module ClassMethods
def acts_as_countable
has_many :counts, :as => :countable, :dependent => :destroy,rder => ‘created_at DESC’
include Jesse::Acts::Countable::InstanceMethods
extend Jesse::Acts::Countable::SingletonMethods
module SingletonMethods
def find_counts_for(obj)
countable = ActiveRecord::Base.send(:class_name_of_active_record_descendant, self).to_s
:conditions => [”countable_id = ? and countable_type = ?”, obj.id, countable])
module InstanceMethods
def counter
:conditions => [”countable_id = ? and countable_type = ?”, id, self.type.name])
# Helper method that defaults the submitted time.
def add_count(count)
counter = Count.find(:first, :conditions => [”countable_id = ? and countable_type = ?”, count.countable_id, self.type.name ])
if counter.nil?
counts << count
counter.update_attribute(:count, counter.count + 1)
四、Create /vendor/plugins/act_as_countable/lib/count.rb and put this code inside:
class Count < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :countable, :polymorphic => truedef self.find_counts_for_countable(countable_str, countable_id)
:conditions => [”countable_type = ? and countable_id = ?”, countable_str, countable_id]
enddef self.find_countable(countable_str, countable_id)
五、put this code inside our /vendor/plugins/act_as_countable/init.rb
require ‘acts_as_countable’
ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, Jesse::Acts::Countable)
六、How to Use
1. put acts_as_countable inside model, like acts_as_commentable
2. in view action:
count = Count.new
count.countable_id = @obj.id
标签: Technologies
下午参加了安人心理学工作坊第三期讨论:“Web开发与心理学”。讨论了人因(工程心理学)在Web开发领域的应用,受益非浅。我给大家分享了“Ruby On Rails Web开发与用户体验”,感谢阳志平老师的邀请。
标签: Blogging
Principles of Marketing
垃圾 Windows Live Mail
我恨透了Windows Live Mail的垃圾,几乎天天被骚扰,我每次都很认真的帮助他们报告垃圾,但从来不能看到任何改进。如果不是因为MSN上的朋友,真想删除了我的Hotmail邮件帐号。在垃圾制造者面前,微软帝国显得如此可怜。
标签: Technologies
Ruby on Rails Architecture
标签: Blogging
Ruby 1.8.6 & Rails 1.2.3
Ruby 1.8.6 Release了,想看详细情形,或是下载 Source 请看这里。根据 fixneo 先生的提醒,我花了时间去找了一下 Bug Report ,发现到这篇文章。里面写到 Time.to_date 跟 MD5.new 会出现问题。不过这些 Bug 会在 Rails 1.2.3 做修正,也就是应该是 Rails 的问题?
隔天早上,Rails Team 也立刻发表了 Rails 1.2.3,所以要升级 Ruby 1.8.6也请顺便升级 Rails 1.2.3。
为什么我得升级 Ruby 1.8.6?会跟 Rails 冲突,还得一定要升到 Rails 1.2.3 才能够跑 Rails。那么麻烦的 Ruby 版本,为啥我一定要升级?我给你一个原因
Ruby 1.8.6 已经将 FastThread包进去了
也就是说灌 Mongrel 应该不用加装 FastThread 了。我们可以合理推测 Ruby Native 支持总比 Gem 支持来的好不是吗 :p
还有一点,随着 Ruby 1.8.6 的推出,看来下一版的 Mongrel 除了 fastThread,也不用装 cgi_multipart_eof_fix 了。 Ruby 的整合度越高,狗皮膏药越来越少总是一件好事。
标签: RubyonRails
前天去拜访了一次FeedSky, 看到Webleon和Herock都是使用Google Reader阅读,我的Feedburner分析中显示Google Reader已经占了大部分,俨然已经成为了最多人使用的订阅工具。我之前一直使用Great News,不用其他的原因是Great News记录了我上次阅读的位置,换了工具就不知哪些是更新了。现在决定使用Google Reader了,因为这两天体验不错。
答:我一般不登录FeedSky管理后台,除非需要修改我BLOG的RSS输出,这个不经常。最近左岸邀请我加入了Play with Blog的Network,我会上来看看成员中有哪些人。
答:我会关心读我BLOG的人自己的BLOG地址,他们的位置,回访的频率。我一般使用Stat Counter和Google Analytics提供的服务。
FeedSky的话题广告服务很不错,可能在不久后我们就要用来发布一个新的WEB服务。顺便说一下,UUZONE可能不会恢复了,不要等了,如果真的还有一份不能割舍的情感,那就去友派网吧,还是原班子人为优友创建的新家,当然来到这里得换个名字了,叫派友。倒下的不容易,坚持的更不容易,Good lucky, FeedSky! Good lucky, Web 2.0.
标签: Books
Ruby on Rails让做网站像搭积木一样简单,例如使用acts_as_commentable的方法如下:
* Make you ActiveRecord model act as commentable.
class Model < ActiveRecord::Base
* Add a comment to a model instance
model = Model.new
comment = Comment.new
comment.comment = ‘Some comment’
model.comments << comment
* Each comment reference commentable object
model = Model.find(1)
model.comments.get(0).commtable == model
Useful code snippets in Ruby and Ruby on Rails
标签: RubyonRails
标签: Blogging
Thinking in Twitter.com
Twitter is a new mobile service where simply, you send a text to a website telling it what you are doing at that specific moment. I have talked with Robert Ness about twitter.com, i havn’t sign up yet, i have no reason for sign up.
Robert: How to you think twitter.com ?
我: i do not like it. i do not know why answer the question on that site.
Robert: hmm….what “answer”
我: what are you doing?
for this question?
just for this question?
Robert: i understand
i think for the same reason young people send text messages.
many people send short message just to know “what are youd doing”
i think it is very interesting for the mobile phone
我: i don’t think so.
Robert: i don’t think it is useful for me, because i dont care what my friends are doing, but i think many other people do care
我: it’s my secret what i am doing.
Robert: yes, privacy is important sometimes, sometimes its not. for example, when i am with my wife at home, i will not say so. but if i am in a public place, then i can say so
secrets are not important all the time.
i thinkg it is great for young girls especially
especially because it works with the mobile
我: when i am in a public place, i have to talk with my friend , or walk, no time for anser the question.
Robert: there is if you do it by short message,
people already do this by short message
… …
标签: Blogging
我向来不擅长追赶潮流,在计算机网络中,把极度容易传播的东西叫做“病毒”。既然是病毒,它就会主动的多方面的侵蚀你,如:“微软的Windows Live Messenger公益活动——i’m making a difference,一个是MyHeritage的小游戏——哪些明星长得像我。”(-keso) 它们在我的朋友圈中多次的重复出现,使我不得不关注。
标签: Blogging
Temporary Post Used For Style Detection (d6c457ea-7480-4168-9ed5-c78aa4ffdd04)
This is a temporary post that was not deleted. Please delete this manually. (4bad76f0-de08-4a34-ae25-d013d0b650c7)
标签: Technologies
标签: Web2.0
Ruby on Rails Command Rerference
1.1 创建一个Rails应用程序
$ rails app_name
-d, database=xxx 指定安装一个数据库(mysql oracle postgresql sqlite2 sqlite3 ), 默认情况下是数据库
-r, ruby-path= 指定Ruby的安装路径,如果没有指定,scripts使用env去找Ruby
-f, freeze (冻结)freezes Rails在vendor/rails目录
1.2 API Documentation
$ gem_server
启动一个WEBrick服务器。这时候你可以通过Http://localhost:8808/ 打开浏览器去查看rails API文档
1.3 Rake
rake db:fixtures:load
# 载入fixtures到当前环境的数据库
# 载入指定的fixtures使用FIXTURES=x,y
rake db:migrate
# 迁移数据库通过在db/migrate目录下的脚本.可以指定版本号通过VERSION=x
rake db:schema:dump
# 创建一个db/schema.rb文件,通过AR能过够支持任何数据库去使用
rake db:schema:load
# 再入一个schema.rb文件进数据库
rake db:sessions:clear
# 清空sessions表
rake db:sessions:create
# 用CGI::Session::ActiveRecordStore创建一个sessions表为用户
rake db:structure:dump
# 导出数据库结构为一个SQL文件
rake db:test:clone
# 重新创建一个测试数据库从当前环境数据库中
rake db:test:clone_structure
# 重新创建测试数据库从开发模式数据库
rake db:test:prepare
# 准备测试数据库并在入schema
rake db:test:purge
# 清空测试数据库
rake doc:app
# 创建HTML文件的API Documentation
rake doc:clobber_app
# 删除Documentation
rake doc:clobber_plugins
# 删除 plugin Documentation
rake doc:clobber_rails
# 删除Documentation
rake doc:plugins
# 产生Documation为所有安装的plugins
rake doc:rails
# 创建HTML文件的API Documentation
rake doc:reapp
# 强制重新创建HTML文件的API Documentation
rake doc:rerails
# 强制重新创建HTML文件的API Documentation
rake log:clear
# 清空目录log/下的所有日志文件
rake rails:freeze:edge
# Lock this application to latest Edge Rails. Lock a specific revision with REVISION=X
rake rails:freeze:gems
# Lock this application to the current gems (by unpacking them into vendor/rails)
rake rails:unfreeze
# Unlock this application from freeze of gems or edge and return to a fluid use of system gems
rake rails:update
# Update both scripts and public/javascripts from Rails
rake rails:update:javascripts
# Update your javascripts from your current rails install
rake rails:update:scripts
# Add new scripts to the application script/ directory
rake stats
# Report code statistics (KLOCs, etc) from the application
rake test
# Test all units and functionals
rake test:functionals
# Run tests for functionalsdb:test:prepare
rake test:integration
# Run tests for integrationdb:test:prepare
rake test:plugins
# Run tests for pluginsenvironment
rake test:recent
# Run tests for recentdb:test:prepare
rake test:uncommitted
# Run tests for uncommitteddb:test:prepare
rake test:units
# Run tests for unitsdb:test:prepare
rake tmp:cache:clear
# 清空tmp/cache目录下的所有文件
rake tmp:clear
# 清空session, cache, 和socket文件从tmp/目录
rake tmp:create
# 为sessions, cache, and sockets创建tmp/目录
rake tmp:sessions:clear
# 清空所有在tmp/sessions目录下的文件
rake tmp:sockets:clear
# 清空所有在tmp/sessions 目录下的ruby_sess.* 文件
1.4 Scripts
# 输出当前环境信息
# 启动断点server
# 启动交换式的Rails控制台
# 删除通过generators创建的文件
# -> generators
# -> Plugins
# 执行一个任务在rails上下文中
# 启动开发模式服务器http://localhost:3000
1.5 Generators
ruby script/generate model ModelName
ruby script/generate controller ListController show edit
ruby script/generate scaffold ModelName ControllerName
ruby script/generate migration AddNewTable
ruby script/generate plugin PluginName
ruby script/generate mailer Notification lost_password signup
ruby script/generate web_service ServiceName api_one api_two
ruby script/generate integration_test TestName
ruby script/generate session_migration
-p, –pretend Run but do not make any changes.
-f, –force Overwrite files that already exist.
-s, –skip Skip files that already exist.
-q, –quiet Suppress normal output.
-t, –backtrace Debugging: show backtrace on errors.
-h, –help Show this help message.
-c, –svn Modify files with subversion. (Note: svn must be in path)
1.6 Plugins
script/plugin discover
# discover plugin repositories
script/plugin list
# list all available plugins
script/plugin install where
# install the a€wherea€? plugin
script/plugin install -x where
# install where plugin as SVN external
script/plugin install http://invisible.ch/projects/plugins/where
script/plugin update
# update installed plugins
script/plugin source
# add a source repository
script/plugin unsource
# removes a source repository
script/plugin sources
# lists source repositories
Source: http://www.javaeye.com/article/43500
标签: Technologies
此刻我在北京,从北京的高楼里看窗外的烟花,看中国的互联网,看 剩者为王。昨天中午会见龙源期刊网的周永德时,也提到有一个规律是后进电梯里的人先出来。我想有一个途径可能可以避开这个规律,那就是进不同的电梯。
标签: Blogging
Ruby on Rails Caching Tutorial
This useful article from Rails Envy, I’ve used Caching on my application, but not write any article about it, now you can get it here.
It’s not the size of the app that matters, it’s how you code it
When your Ruby On Rails Website gets famous you’re going to wish you implemented proper caching. Are you worried? Maybe just a little?
This tutorial is going to show everything you need to know to use Caching in your Rails applications, so when you get digg’d or slashdot’d you won’t be left begging your hosting provider for more bandwidth.
Since there are so many different types of caching, I’m going to split this up into several blog entries. Each one will build on the previous, talking about more complex types of caching and how to implement them. We’ll even discuss some advanced caching plugins people have written for customized caching.
Today we’re going to dive into the FASTEST rails caching mechanism, page caching!
When your Ruby On Rails Website gets famous you’re going to wish you implemented proper caching. Are you worried? Maybe just a little?
This tutorial is going to show everything you need to know to use Caching in your Rails applications, so when you get digg’d or slashdot’d you won’t be left begging your hosting provider for more CPU processing power.
Since there are so many different types of caching, I’m going to split this up into several blog entries. Each one will build on the previous, talking about more complex types of caching and how to implement them. We’ll even discuss some advanced caching plugins people have written for customized caching.
Today we’re going to dive into the FASTEST rails caching mechanism, page caching!
Table of Contents
- Why for art thou caching?
- Configuration
- Page Caching
- Page caching with pagination
- Cleaning up your cache
- Sweeping up your mess
- Playing with Apache/Lighttpd
- Moving your cache
- Clearing out your whole/partial cache
- Advanced page caching techniques
- Testing your page caching
- Conclusion
Why for art thou caching?
(Feel free to skip this if you’re a l33t hax0r)
Ruby is what we call an “Interpreted Programming Language” (as you probably already know). What this means is that your code does not get translated into machine code (the language your computer talks) until someone actually runs it.
If you’re a PHP developer, you’re probably saying “No Duh!” about now. PHP is also an “Interpreted Language”. However, Java code on the other hand needs to be compiled before it can be executed.
Unfortunately this means that every time someone surfs onto your Ruby on Rails website, your code gets read and processed that instant. As you can probably imagine, handling more than 100 requests a second can take great deal of processor power. So how can we speed things up?
Caching, in the web application world, is the art of taking a processed web page (or part of a webpage), and storing it in a temporary location. If another user requests this same webpage, then we can serve up the cached version.
Loading up a cached webpage can not only save us from having to do ANY database queries, it can even allow us to serve up websites without touching our Ruby on Rails Server. Sounds kinda magical doesn’t it? Keep on reading for the good stuff.
Before we get our feet wet, there’s one small configuration step you need to take..
There’s only one thing you’ll need to do to start playing with caching, and this is only needed if you’re in development mode. Look for the following line and change it to true in your /config/environments/development.rb:
config.action_controller.perform_caching = true |
Normally you probably don’t want to bother with caching in development mode, but we want try it out already!
Page Caching
Page caching is the FASTEST Rails caching mechanism, so you should do it if at all possible. Where should you use page caching?
- If your page is the same for all users.
- If your page is available to the public, with no authentication needed.
If your app contains pages that meet these requirements, keep on reading. If it doesn’t, you probably should know how to use it anyways, so keep reading!
Say we have a blog page (Imagine that!) that doesn’t change very often. The controller code for our front page might look like this:
1 | class BlogController < ApplicationController |
As you can see, our List action queries the latest 10 blog posts, which we can then display on our webpage. If we wanted to use page caching to speed things up, we could go into our blog controller and do:
1 | class BlogController < ApplicationController |
The “caches_page” directive tells our application that next time the “list” action is requested, take the resulting html, and store it in a cached file.
If you ran this code using mongrel, the first time the page is viewed your /logs/development.log would look like this:
1 | Processing BlogController#list (for at 2007-02-23 00:58:56) [GET] |
See the line where it says “Cached page: /blog/list.html”. This is telling you that the page was loaded, and the resulting html was stored in a file located at /public/blog/list.html. If you looked in this file you’d find plain html with no ruby code at all.
Subsequent requests to the same url will now hit this html file rather then reloading the page. As you can imagine, loading a static html page is much faster than loading and processing a interpreted programming language. Like 100 times faster!
However, it is very important to note that Loading Page Cached .html files does not invoke Rails at all! What this means is that if there is any content that is dynamic from user to user on the page, or the page is secure in some fashion, then you can’t use page caching. Rather you’d probably want to use action or fragment caching, which I will cover in part 2 of this tutorial.
What if we then say in our model:
caches_page :show |
Where do you think the cached page would get stored when we visited “/blog/show/5″ to show a specific blog post?
The answer is /public/blog/show/5.html
Here are a few more examples of where page caches are stored.:
1 | http://localhost:3000/blog/list => /public/blog/list.html |
Hey, wait a minute, notice how above the first item is the same as the last item. Yup, page caching is going to ignore all additional parameters on your url.
But what if I want to cache my pagination pages?
Very interesting question, and a more interesting answer. In order to cache your different pages, you just have to create a differently formed url. So instead of linking “/blog/list?page=2″, which wouldn’t work because caching ignores additional parameters, we would want to link using “/blog/list/2″, but instead of 2 being stored in params[:id], we want that 2 on the end to be params[:page].
We can make this configuration change in our /config/routes.rb
1 | map.connect ‘blog/list/:page‘, |
With this new route defined, we can now do:
<%= link_to “Next Page“, :controller => ‘blog‘, :action => ‘list‘, :page => 2 %> |
the resulting url will be “/blog/list/2″. When we click this link two great things will happen:
- Rather than storing the 2 in params[:id], which is the default, the application will store the 2 as params[:page],
- The page will be cached as /public/blog/list/2.html
The moral of the story is; If you’re going to use page caching, make sure all the parameters you require are part of the URL, not after the question mark! Many thanks to Charlie Bowman for inspiration.
Cleaning up the cache
You must be wondering, “What happens if I add another blog post and then refresh /blog/list at this point?”
Well, not quite nothing. We would see the /blog/list.html cached file which was generated a minute ago, but it won’t contain our newest blog entry.
To remove this cached file so a new one can be generated we’ll need to expire the page. To expire the two pages we listed above, we would simply run:
1 | # This will remove /blog/list.html |
We could obviously go and add this to every place where we add/edit/remove a post, and paste in a bunch of expires, but there is a better way!
Sweepers are pieces of code that automatically delete old caches when the data on the cached page gets old. To do this, sweepers observe of one or more of your models. When a model is added/updated/removed the sweeper gets notified, and then runs those expire lines I listed above.
Sweepers can be created in your controllers directory, but I think they should be separated, which you can do by adding this line to your /config/environment.rb.
1 | Rails::Initializer.run do |config| |
(don’t forget to restart your server after you do this)
With this code, we can create an /app/sweepers directory and start creating sweepers. So, lets jump right into it. /app/sweepers/blog_sweeper.rb might look like this:
1 | class BlogSweeper < ActionController::Caching::Sweeper |
NOTE: We can call “after_save”, instead of “after_create” and “after_update” above, to dry out our code.
We then need to tell our controller when to invoke this sweeper, so in /app/controllers/BlogController.rb:
1 | class BlogController < ApplicationController |
If we then try creating a new post we would see the following in our logs/development.log:
1 | Expired page: /blog/list.html (0.00000) |
That’s our sweeper at work!
Playing nice with Apache/Lighttpd
When deploying to production, many rails applications still use Apache as a front-end, and dynamic Ruby on Rails requests get forwarded to a Rails Server (Mongrel or Lighttpd). However, since we are actually pushing out pure html code when we do caching, we can tell Apache to check to see if the page being requested exists in static .html form. If it does, we can load the requested page without even touching our Ruby on Rails server!
Our httpd.conf might look like this:
1 | <VirtualHost *:80> |
In lighttpd you might have:
1 | server.modules = ( “mod_rewrite“, … ) |
The proxy servers will then look for cached files in your /public directory. However, you may want to change the caching directory to keep things more separated. You’ll see why shortly.
Moving your Page Cache
First you’d want to add the following to your /config/environment.rb:
config.action_controller.page_cache_directory = RAILS_ROOT + “/public/cache/“ |
This tells Rails to publish all your cached files in the /public/cache directory. You would then want to change your Rewrite rules in your httpd.conf to be:
1 | # Rewrite index to check for static |
Clearing out a partial/whole cache
When you start implementing page caching, you may find that when you add/edit/remove one model, almost all of your cached pages need to be expired. This could be the case if, for instance, all of your website pages had a list which showed the 10 most recent blog posts.
One alternative would be to just delete all your cached files. In order to do this you’ll first need to move your cache directory (as shown above). Then you might create a sweeper like this:
1 | class BlogSweeper < ActionController::Caching::Sweeper |
That FileUtils.rm_r simply deletes all the files in the cache, which is really all the expire_cache line does anyways. You could also do a partial cache purge by only deleting a cache subdirectory. If I just wanted to remove all the caches under /public/blog I could do:
1 | cache_dir = ActionController::Base.page_cache_directory |
If calling these File Utilities feels too hackerish for you, Charlie Bowman wrote up the broomstick plugin which allows you to “expire_each_page” of a controller or action, with one simple call.
Needing something more advanced?
Page caching can get very complex with large websites. Here are a few notable advanced solutions:
Rick Olson (aka Technoweenie) wrote up a Referenced Page Caching Plugin which uses a database table to keep track of cached pages. Check out the Readme for examples.
Max Dunn wrote a great article on Advanced Page Caching where he shows you how he dealt with wiki pages using cookies to dynamically change cached pages based on user roles.
Lastly, there doesn’t seem to be any good way to page cache xml files, as far as I’ve seen. Mike Zornek wrote about his problems and figured out one way to do it. Manoel Lemos figured out a way to do it using action caching. We’ll cover action caching in the next tutorial.
How do I test my page caching?
There is no built in way to do this in rails. Luckily Damien Merenne created a swank plugin for page cache testing. Check it out!
Page caching should be used if at all possible in your project, because of the awesome speeds it can provide. However, if you have a website with a member system where authentication is needed throughout, then you might not be able to do much with it outside of a login and new member form.
Let me know if you think I missed anything substantial. Next up in part 2 of the caching tutorial will be Action and Content-Only caching.
Stay oh so very tuned.
Thanks to Paul Davis and Jason Seifer for help with proofing this article.
Shakespeare Comic design by Erika Greco
Shakespeare original image - guuskrahe - Flickr - http://www.flickr.com/photos/krahe/
All the rest - Open Clip Art Gallery - Public Domain (which means I really don’t need to be writing this, so I’m going to bed, I hope you learned a lot today, goodnight.)
Link to Ruby on Rails Caching Tutorial
标签: Technologies
从Ya, Yee看到蛙爪上线了,一个月前蛙爪网络媒体在广州招务精英。感觉是MyBlogLog的克隆,使用上还有些问题,但还是有机会成为最好的中国的博客社交站点,他们行动好快。
“Any successful Web2.0 startup will be copied by Chinese in short time”. -by Yee
标签: Technologies
标签: Blogging