Amazon goes Ruby on Rails
亚马逊的Rails应用也上线了,再次增加了对RoR的信心!Amazon goes Ruby on Rails
Posted by David November 29, 2006 @ 09:35 PM
Never thought you’d hear that, eh? But that’s exactly what is. A Rails application sitting on the domain. Adam Selipsky from Amazon Web Services introduces the site with this:
UnSpun helps you to find and create ranked lists by gathering votes from workers on Amazon Mechanical Turk and from the UnSpun community. We show the popular opinion, with no “spin” (hence the name)-along with links to websites with more information about the particular items on the list. If you don’t see the list you are looking for, simply create it and rankings will start populating within a few minutes. 2,294 ranked lists are already on UnSpun, holding 640,107 items, with more coming in all the time.
Congratulations to the AWS team at Amazon!
Coming shortly, we’ll have a bunch of other announcements for high-profile companies going Ruby on Rails for various new projects. Exciting times.
Amazon goes Ruby on是一个投票类的应用,可以建立分类,添加物品,选出最好的、最差的、最喜欢的等等。也有点类似digg。
刚上线的时候,被slashdot了一下,一度出现”Application Error (Rails)”的恐怖错误(这对Rails的大规模应用可不是个不好兆头),估计amazon没有预计到会有这么多的人涌入,好在马上调整了服务器,现在已经非常正常了。
有趣的是,有人跟贴问这个亚马逊的Rails应用是不是有37signals的参与(因为此前37signals与amazon达成合作协议,要推出rails的企业应用托管平台)。37signals的人回答说,No,全是amazon自己做的。通过这么一个超大级的公司也在使用Ruby on Rails,说明了ROR还是可以放心的应用于商业应用的!
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