hello. i’ve been registered Orkut, thanx a lot. but it seems that there’s must something wrong with this website which sometimes failed to log on. moreover, i even don’t know how to start it, is it a kind of blog which you can publish your articles? or does it serve as a tool in making friends? Have you ever
been wriiten something in wallop? it’s really fabulous, you can have a try. if you wanna a invitation, i can sent you one, if you do have an account, then i can add you to my friends’ list. thank you again for the invitation and your time.
yours, sincerely
PlaCEbo[/quote]之后我请PlaCEbo发了一个Wallop Invitation给我,我进行了体验,有以下几点优点:
2、网状指引联系人,清晰的描述Social Network中我的社会关系
4、Web Refe功能可以引入其它网页到Wallop中
5、RSS Import功能,可以将在其它地方写的Blog迅速导入Walltop中
Thanks PlaCEbo for wallop invitation, If you want a wallop invitation, please comment here, i’ll send to you.
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