Aptana : The project XXX is supposed to have a ruby nature.
在使用Aptana IDE(build编辑导入的Ruby on Rails项目时,以Ruby Editor方式打开Ruby文件出现”The project XXX is supposed to have a ruby nature.”的错误,以文本编辑器方式打开编辑Ruby文件非常糟糕,从Google查找到Aptana Forums中看到已经有解决方法了:
The problem that’s showing up here is that we do a lot of things under the hood of ruby projects, and to recognize a ruby project we need to set it to have a “ruby nature”.
You can convert an imported existing project:1. Add the project to your workspace
2. Switch to the Ruby perspective
3. Select the project in the Ruby Resources View
4. Select the menu option: project -> Add Ruby nature.
This should add the ruby nature to your project and it shouldn’t complain any more when you try to open and edit files.
- 使用 Aptana 时需要手动到首选项中配置Ruby和Rails的安装目录。
- Aptana 已经在 RadRails 的基础上前进了不少,使用了和 Eclipse 相同方式的管理插件,可以使用 Subclipse 1.2.1 了,而 RadRails 0.7.2 内置的 Subclipse 还是 1.x 的,支持的 Subversion 版本太老,使用过程中可能出现错误,建设使用 Aptana .
标签: RubyonRails
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